名课堂 - 企业管理培训网联系方式

















【时间安排】:2012年12月20日 到 2012年12月21日4950元/人





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Apart from extremely excellent decision-making executives, a good company also needs outstanding middle managers to implement strategies, which requires them to be both splendid analysts and problem solvers. The largest financial crisis in past 100 years has just faded away, but we have to face an increasing number of tough and challenging problems resulted from changed business environment and frustrated companies. The challenge is unprecedented, thus how to effectively analyze and solve problems has become the top priority issue for today’s companies.


This program aims at building up awareness of questions among middle and high level managers to help them improve problem solving ability, understand the relations between problem and opportunity, obtain knowledge and skills necessary in dealing with problems, define key steps, recognize and use correct tools, build problem handling capacity at both individual level and team level, for an overall improvement of implementation capacity and management level of a company.

课程目标Program goal


After a systematic study of management knowledge and skills, participants can make a better use of management skills in daily work to improve the corporate performance and core competitiveness, as well as personal performance;


To align the management concept among middle managers and front-line staffs ( to know corporate culture, define management functions, take correct attitudes, understand missions, be courageous to face challenges, set management standards, build awareness of question);


To improve the overall management level of company (the ability to evaluate and help improve staffs’ performance, find and solve problems, train and guide staffs, organize and coordinate work, lead and encourage staff and to innovate)

课程对象Who should participate


Middle and high level managers, department directors, reserved backbones and successors

课程特色Program highlights


This program is based on management skills practice and supported by learning management theory. Multiple interactions give every participant an opportunity to be engaged in;


Help participants thoroughly understand and grasp all knowledge as well as skills and they should be able to use them in the classroom;


Homework and action plan will be collected after the program to help and supervise them to form a good management habit;


Teaching methods: inspirational speech, on-site Q&A, team game, role play, case study, brain storm, group discussion, on-site practice

课程内容Program contents

一、团队目标篇 Team goals


Video learning: absolute elite team


9 features of highly-efficient teams


3 kinds of people necessary for a well-functioned team


Definition of team


Fundamentals of a highly efficient team

5. 现代经理人的基本职能与角色

Basic functions and role of a modern manager

6.1 目标管理八步法

8 steps of goal management

6.2 目标来源及设定的程序

Source of goal and steps setting

6.3 绩效指标设定的五项原则

5 key principles for designing KPI

6.4 目标合理性检核

Check of the reasonableness of goals

6.5 目标管理的步骤-DOME

Steps of goal management-DOME

6.6 主管协助部属设定目标步骤

Manager’s assistance to subordinates in their setting of goal steps

6.7 分解目标的要点

Goal breakdown

二、管理基础篇 Basics of management

1. 有效管理的切入点

Penetration point of an effective management

2. S-E-G-A模型

S-E-G-A model


How to lead a team for a better alignment to superiors’ expectation of performance


Case study & role play: worries of a manager at his peak


5 keys in the building of a successful team

5. 芝麻开门:团队管理者的六个有效

Open sesame: 6 “effectives” for a team manager

6. 给团队主管的六条建议

6 suggestions to a team manager

三、高效沟通篇 Efficient communication


Fundamentals of successful communication


On-site practice: Can you evaluate your subordinates’ performance?

2. 沟通的冰山模式

Iceberg model

3. 沟通信息损耗漏斗模型

Funnel model of loss in communication

4. 团队沟通的四大特点

4 characteristics of team communication

5. 六种常见的沟通方式及优缺点分析

6 common communication methods and their strengths/weaknesses

6. 不同的人格特质与沟通应对技巧

Different personalities and skills of communication

7. 有效倾听时的简单任务

Simple tasks in an effective listening

8.1 下对上沟通五项技巧

5 skills of bottom-up communication

8.2 平行沟通四项技巧

skills of lateral communication

8.3 上对下沟通六项技巧

6 skills of top-down communication

9.1 人性的六大特点

6 characteristics of human nature

10. 团队沟通的“五多三少”

5 more and 3 less in team communication

11. 工作沟通的三种方式

3 methods of work communication

12. 工具:工作面谈的五项基本原则—KP

Tool: 5 basic principles of work interview – KP


Case study: a problem for Zhang Bin

四、团队建设篇 Team building


Group discussion: which features should a good superior have in the mind of subordinates?

1. 员工心目中的上司“好八条”

“8 merits” of a good superior in subordinates’ mind

2.1 团队建设的12321法则

Rule of 12321 in team building

2.2 工具:人才发展评估矩阵-九宫图

Tool: evaluation matrix for talent development – Lo Shu Square

3. 团队管理的4R法则

Rule of 4R in team management

4、日清管理 Management in Nissin


Daily 3 “ones”


3 structures of Nissin management


3 basic principles of Nissin management


2 aspects of Nissin management


A good skill of staffing – Effective delegation


Case study: wronged and embarrassed business director

(1)授权概述 Overview of delegation

(2)授权流程 Process of delegation

(3)授权的原则 Principles of delegation

(4)六级授权体系--预防性管理 6 level delegation system – preventative management

(5)授权常见的误区 Common mistakes in delegation

五、员工激励篇 Employment incentives

1. 悖论与困境 Paradox and difficulty

2. 好工作等式 The equation of good work

3.员工满意度模型 Model of staff satisfaction

4.员工激励的形式 Incentive methods

(1)经济型激励 Economic incentives

(2)非经济型激励 Non-economic incentives

5.关怀激励的九个“了解” 9 “understandings” in caring incentives

(1)关怀激励的十个“有数” 10 “knowings” in caring incentives

6. 团队激励的正负激励 Positive and negative team incentives

(1)团队激励的五项技巧 5 skills of team incentives

(2) 团队激励的12条宝贵经验 12 pieces of valuable experience of team incentives

(3)中层干部的“五个师” ”5 masters” of middle management


Q&A, program summary, homework, interaction


美国PDP研究院人力战略管理认证教 练,中国&澳大利亚AQF认证国际培训师,上海市注册人才中介师,



Jerry Zhu, the certified coach of Human Strategic Management of American PDF Research, the AQF certified international trainer of China & Australia, Shanghai registered talent intermediary, the expert trainer for HR director class of Shanghai Jiaotong University, the expert trainer for EDP center of SHUF, the expert trainer for Master graduate student of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the founder of HR association of Shanghai People’s Congress, the expert of career guidance of Shanghai Board Education Colleges.

As the senior lecturer of the enterprise management courses, Jerry has been committed to helping customers solve the questions in improving the senior managers’ leadership, the practical skills in the recruitment interview, TTT, internal trainer training and management system, and helping all managers enhance the management level, widely praised by participants

【培训风格Training style】


After decades of the enterprises’ training practice experience, Jerry’s training is not only coherent, logical, but also passionate, humorous, thought-provoking, plus his excellent affinity, appeal and professionalism, achieved the unique charm of lecturer

To summarize, Jerry’s training scene has”4 more 1 less”: more laughter, more interactive, more tools, more harvest; participants think the time is less



Alcatel-sbell , Alcatel-Lucent, Unilever, Teradata Corporation, Marquardt, PIC China, Pingan, Haier Corporation, Hisense, Povos, GDC-World, Aurora, Yalu, Shanghai World Expo Corporation, Bailian Group, ST, Ceair, China HR, Lingang, PPTV, Hixih, Jinghong Group,

Allex Technology, Jinchuan Group, Elegant-prosper, Chicony, Blissful Group, Zhejiang RCC, Bank of Zhengzhou, NCI, Miki mobile, Grand China Logistic, CPIC, Baoxiniao, Wuxi Global Development Group, Moons, Shenzhen Gas Corporation, XCMG, CPGJ, Heda, Kingmang Group, Seasoul, Sanpower Group, Boshiwa, Opple etc.

